3/25 追記
カナダ政府から課税対象ですが月$2000を最大4ヶ月の法案が決定したようです。Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)という名前のコロナ緊急ベネフィット。コロナ関連で収入がゼロになってしまった人向け。これは雇用中の人で給料をもらえてない人にも適応されるそうなので、レイオフ対策になりそうです。コントラクト労働者、自営の人でも受給可能。EIとの併用はできないですが、10/31までにEIの受給期間が終わってしまえば、このCERBを申請できるそうです。
この記事に書いたBC州の「B.C. Emergency Benefit for Workers」の$1000給付にも変更があるかもしれません。今後の情報を待ちたいです。
Government introduces Canada Emergency Response Benefit to help workers and businesses
The Government of Canada is taking strong, immediate and effective action to protect Canadians and the economy from the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic. No Canadian should have to choose between protecting their health, putting food on the table, paying for their medication or caring for a family member.
- 28億ドル→個人の救済、そのうち11億ドルは収入減になった市民への補填へ、17億円は公共サービスへ。
- 22億ドル→企業の救済へ
Financial Supports in Response to COVID-19
Last Updated: March 23, 2020 Funding for critical services is increased by $1.7 billion to support: Health care pressures due to the COVID-19 outbreak Social services and vulnerable populations Housing and shelter programs First Nations Health Authority The BC Emergency Benefit for Workers will provide a one-time $1,000 payment to people who lost income because of COVID-19.
COVID-19 Action Plan: B.C.'s first steps to support people, businesses
British Columbians affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will benefit from $5 billion in income supports, tax relief and direct funding for people, businesses and services. "The COVID-19 pandemic challenges our health, our economy and our way of life. People and businesses urgently need support," said Premier John Horgan.
3/23発表 市民への緊急経済サポート案
B.C. Emergency Benefit for Workersを受給できる人
- コロナ関連でレイオフされた
- コロナ感染や感染疑いで自宅待機してる人
- 子供の看病をしている親
- 子供の学校などがコロナで閉鎖されてて、面倒を見るために仕事から離れ自宅にいる親
- コロナに罹った親族の看病をしている人
- EIの受給資格あるなしに自営の人などでも受給可能
- BC州居住者
BC州のリンクを随時チェックしてれば、アプリケーションの案内もココに掲示されるはず。4月になったら、要チェック。- 4月から申請開始できる
- 5月に一回$1000が支給される
BC Emergency Benefit for Workers
The BC Emergency Benefit for Workers will provide a one-time $1,000 payment to people who lost income because of COVID-19.
B.C. residents who receive federal Employment Insurance, or the new federal Emergency Care Benefit, or the new federal Emergency Support Benefit are eligible
Applications will open in April 2020
The one-time payment will be paid in May 2020
Climate Action Tax Creditを受給できる人
- 低〜中所得者
- 7月
Climate Action Tax Credit
A one-time enhancement to the climate action tax credit will be paid in July 2020 for moderate to low-income families:
An adult will receive up to $218.00 (increased from $174.00)
A child will receive $64.00 (increased from $51.00)
学生の返済ローン、6ヶ月停止してくれるそうです。日本でもあったらな。私はもう直ぐ40ですが、日本の奨学金まだ返済中なので、この法案が日本にもあれば、ありがたいけど。。。B.C. Student Loans
Starting March 30, 2020, B.C. student loan payments are automatically frozen for six months.
ICBCとBC Hydroの救済案、BCハウシングの家賃、企業向けの免税についての掲載があります。「このコロナ危機の中でも、市民の安全と必要なサービスは守らないといけない。」と政府も言ってくれてるので、市長さんが言ってる
Shut downを頭において、バンクーバーで医療崩壊が起こらないように協力したいと思ってます。
Stay put.
Save lives.
Financial Supports in Response to COVID-19
Last Updated: March 23, 2020 Funding for critical services is increased by $1.7 billion to support: Health care pressures due to the COVID-19 outbreak Social services and vulnerable populations Housing and shelter programs First Nations Health Authority The BC Emergency Benefit for Workers will provide a one-time $1,000 payment to people who lost income because of COVID-19.
COVID-19 Provincial Support and Information
Our priority is to protect British Columbians and ensure our province is best positioned to effectively respond to the pandemic. Last Updated: March 20, 2020 People who have travelled outside of Canada and returned after March 12, 2020 must self-isolate Global Affairs Canada is offering emergency loans for people abroad attempting to return to Canada The Canada-U.S.
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