Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
For Canadianswithout paid sick leave (or similar workplace accommodation) who are sick, quarantined or forced to stay home to care for children, the Government is: Waiving the one-week waiting period for those individuals in imposed quarantine that claim Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits. This temporary measure will be in effect as of March 15, 2020.
赤字の部分、まさに私のことじゃん?!EI受給資格がなくて失業中。雇用保険支払い期間がまだEIの受給資格を満たしてない。全体で$50億ドルのサポート。後日詳細の発表を待ちたい。4月に申請可能になる様子。Workers who are not eligible for EI and who are facing unemployment can also apply for an emergency support benefit, delivered through the Canada Revenue Agency.ワークシェアリングってなんだ?その契約期間が38週増えて76週まで伸びるのと、申請緩和。ワークシェアリング、気になる。今の私には関係ないな。
Applications for these two new benefits will open in April.
Longer-Term Income Support for Workers
For Canadians who lose their jobs or face reduced hours as a result of COVID’s impact, the Government is:
Introducing an Emergency Support Benefit delivered through the CRA to provide up to $5.0 billion in support to workers who are not eligible for EI and who are facing unemployment.
Implementing the EI Work Sharing Program, which provides EI benefits to workers who agree to reduce their normal working hour as a result of developments beyond the control of their employers, by extending the eligibility of such agreements to 76 weeks, easing eligibility requirements, and streamlining the application process. This was announced by the Prime Minister on March 11, 2020.
低〜中所得者に向けて。5月の上旬をめどにGoods and Services Tax creditで一回払ってくれる模様。一般的な収入パターンでシングル$400、カップル$600。Income Support for Individuals Who Need It Most
For over 12 million low- and modest-income families, who may require additional help with their finances, the Government is proposing to provide a one-time special payment by early May 2020 through the Goods and Services Tax credit (GSTC).
The average boost to income for those benefitting from this measure will be close to $400 for single individuals and close to $600 for couples. This measure will inject $5.5 billion into the economy.
これも関係ありそう!チャイルドベネフィットの金額が上がって、$300を追加で5月に支給してくれるそう。For over 3.5 million families with children, who may also require additional support, the Government is proposing to increase the maximum annual Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payment amounts, only for the 2019-20 benefit year, by $300 per child. The overall increase for families receiving CCB will be approximately $550 on average; these families will receive an extra $300 per child as part of their May payment. In total, this measure will deliver almost $2 billion in extra support.
通常4月末までだけど、今回は6/1まで延期。でも2020-2021のベネフィットを適正に決めるためには、遅れないほうが良いみたい。Flexibility for Taxpayers
In order to provide greater flexibility to Canadians who may be experiencing hardships during the COVID-19 outbreak, the Canada Revenue Agency will defer the filing due date for the 2019 tax returns of individuals, including certain trusts.
- For individuals (other than trusts), the return filing due date will be deferred until June 1, 2020. However, the Agency encourages individuals who expect to receive benefits under the GSTC or the Canada Child Benefit not to delay the filing of their return to ensure their entitlements for the 2020-21 benefit year are properly determined.
- For trusts having a taxation year ending on December 31, 2019, the return filing due date will be deferred until May 1, 2020.
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